Karnataka Election Stats... Untitled3 Today is verdict's day for Karnatka Assembly election.There are number of factors that actually lead to the election results. I am putting graphs and bar charts on some of the factors. Here I am tryimng to demonstrate how different stats can be put in visulaization and can make digesting figures easy. In [ ]: First here is the demographic divide of Karnakta . Demographics of a region especially religion plays a vital role in political elections . In [20]: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt % matplotlib inline df = pd . read_csv ( 'KarnatakaDemographics.csv' ) df newdf = df [ df . columns [ 0 : 2 ]] In [19]: plt . figure ( figsize = ( 16 , 8 )) # plot chart ax1 = plt . subplot ( 121 , aspect = 'equal' ) newdf . plot ( kind = 'pie' , y = 'Percent' ,...