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Showing posts from June, 2018

Visualization on Data Wrangling project WeRateDogs

wrangle_act visualization section begins here.... In [70]: # Import the clean dataset into dataframe df_master = pd . read_csv ( 'twitter_archive_master.csv' ) df_master . info () df_master <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 2356 entries, 0 to 2355 Data columns (total 27 columns): tweet_id 2356 non-null int64 timestamp 2356 non-null object source 2356 non-null object text 2356 non-null object retweeted_status_user_id 181 non-null float64 expanded_urls 2297 non-null object rating_out_of_10 2356 non-null int64 name 2356 non-null object doggo 2356 non-null object floofer 2356 non-null object pupper 2356 non-null object puppo 2356 non-null object jp